Darker unmasked

So, now I’ve finally seen the unmasked version of the film Fifty Shades Darker. And all I’m capable of asking is why the hell didn’t they play the longer version in the movie theaters? I’m serious. The unmasked edition is the whole film. The theatrical one is just a badly chopped 90% of the film.

Besides that, all I can think of is: holy crap Mr. Grey/Dornan is hot. The difference to Fifty Shades of Grey is enormous. He was easy on the eye in the first one too, but clearly he was more comfortable and confident in the second film. So, now I’m eagerly waiting for Freed, because will be more of the same deliciousness since they filmed the second and third film at once.

I know people criticize the film for whatever reasons, but I loved it. L-O-V-E-D I-T. I’ve seen it now three times, and with each time I love it even more. I know I’m not a picky movie-watcher, so perhaps that helps. Or maybe I’m just 100% fan-girling 🙂 To be honest, I don’t actually understand why people want to watch movies and pick them apart? Can’t you just appreciate it as it is?


I guess it’s the same with books though. Now, I’m not a very critical reader, so if the grammar and text-flow is good, I’ll read it. If the story is good, I’ll read it even if the grammar and text-flow is off. Actually the editing has to be quite bad for me to put the book down. I usually just plow through it and re-edit the redundant words and phrases in my head. Although I’m then tempted to tell the author that they should get another editor…

But I digress from my point of being pointless. Where was I?

Oh, yes. Fifty Shades of Grey. Now, I noticed a Facebook post by E L James yesterday, and it seems like she’s writing Darker from Christian Grey’s point of view. That will be an interesting read, if, that is, she will dig a bit deeper into his head, and not just skim past it all like she did in Grey. I will buy it and read it, no matter what. Because that’s what a fan-girl does.

Mindless babble

It’s been a strange week. I don’t even know why it’s been strange, it just has. Working without email for four(ish) days has set the mood. On the positive side, there’s less work thanks to the email blackout, but but… I don’t actually like calling places, and that’s what I’ve had to do. Calling people and actually printing stuff on paper. Hm. 20th century anyone? Aren’t we supposed to be in the 21st?

I’ve written some (like updated The Intern), but not much. Mostly I’ve been sparring with a few plot-bunnies for my (numerous) WIPs. I know, I should just get the stories finished. Especially Sunsets, which is the first story I’ve ever written. It’s fanfiction in case you hadn’t figured that out yet. It only has a few chapters unwritten, and I’ve been avoiding writing it for ages. I don’t know why it’s so difficult to finish it? I have the plot outlined, so I don’t even have a problem figuring out what will happen, just with writing it.

Come to think of it, I have difficulties finishing a lot of stuff. Diets, knitting, cleaning… I could go on.

So to make procrastination even worse easier I’ve started playing Candy Crush on FB. I really, really need to deny myself all games like that. I’ll never get anything done, for crying out loud. If you are on my friend list, I apologize for the requests I’ve sent lately. I always used to frown upon game requests, and now I’m the one sending them.

One of the better strange things about this week is the fact that yesterday someone posted the Fifty Shades of Grey film on YouTube. I managed to watch it before it was taken down (I won’t post the link, because it’s not there anymore). I have to say, I enjoyed the film much more in the privacy of my own home than at the cinema.

So, now I’ve seen it four times. Yes, I’ve definitely done my share for the box office numbers. I would’ve gone again, but my husband said enough is enough. So, then I pre-ordered the DVD. I know, I’m obsessed. Have I ever claimed not to be? As for the DVD, like with all good things, I have to wait for months for it to be on sale here. I don’t understand why the release date can’t be the same as in the states? That irritates me, almost as much like the fact that the Grey intern app only gives goodies to people living in the US. Hello Universal?! You do know that the fandom has a huge fan base that’s spread all over the globe, right? Talk about first world problems, right! Sheesh.

Melting in the heat

Yes, it is summer and I know, that I’m not supposed to complain, but damn it’s hot. I live in Finland, and let’s face it, anywhere above 20 degrees Celsius is really warm, so when it goes to + 30 C it’s agony. People on Facebook are pointing out that we should stop our bitching, because let’s face it, 16 more weeks and we’ll probably be shoveling snow.

Maybe it’s the heat that’s melting my brain, but I can’t stop listening to Weird Al Yankovic’s Word Crimes. Love this song!

No X in Espresso
Weird Al Yankovic – “Word Crimes”

I hope I’m not doing too many of those crimes, because most of them bug me beyond belief. I prefer this to the original song, actually.

Anyway, back to my rambling. It’s been months since I’ve blogged anything, sorry about that btw, because life has been insane. Ok, I didn’t die under a pile of boxes while moving, but it took a month or two before we got them emptied (and no I’m not talking about those untouched ones that hide in the basement.). All of that mixed with crazy busy work and kids’ hobbies, not to mention my writing muse jumping at me with a sledgehammer… Well, you get the picture. May and June were insane.

My fanfiction stories currently on Fanfiction.net: Sunsets, A Strange Dinner, Fifty Shades of Christmas, Paradise and Fifty Shades by the Pool
My fanfiction stories currently on Fanfiction.net: Sunsets, A Strange Dinner, Fifty Shades of Christmas, Paradise and Fifty Shades by the Pool

If you are following me on Fanfiction you might have read my new stuff, not just Sunsets and the Christmas one shot that’s also posted over here. I’m in awe to the reception of these new stories. Humbled and happy that people are enjoying the fruits of my labor (always wanted to use that phrase). I find my self more and more playing with the idea of sending my work to a publisher, just to see what they would say. Self-publishing is also tempting, but then there’s a ton of other issues to tackle. And the biggest of my problems that still remains unsolved, is the lack of time. I’m thinking 24 hours more per day wouldn’t be enough.

Picture from www.confessionsofabookaddict.comI’ve been on vacation for the last few weeks, and as I thought not having to work would free up time to write, it has done the opposite. All muses were totally silent for weeks, but luckily now as the last week of vacation is coming to an end, they’ve finally raised their voices again. Maybe recharging my batteries while laying on the beach with my feet in the sand has helped too.

A small step for mankind, one giant leap for me.

ImageSo here I am, taking my first fumbling steps in the world of blogs. As you can see I’m trying to navigate through the corridors of wordpress to get up a blog of my own. So the layout and all might change about xx times before I finally get it right, but hopefully I’ll get it done sooner than later.

Who are you and what are you doing here?

Well, those are some valid questions. I was an obsessed FSOG reader who stumbled into the world of FanFiction and decided to pick up a keyboard and start typing. So now I am a writer of sorts, and it seems the more I write, the more ideas I get for new stories and plotlines.

The question what am I doing here? Will probably be left unaswered, as I barely know that myself. In general online I’m bugging the admins of a certain website by posting pictures that are obviously “against their policy”. I’ve got a thing or two to say about such policies. If a little bit of sensuality, skin and heat bothers you that much, well, that’s too bad for you. Especially when at the same time you allow totally grose stuff to be published.  (Oh, btw, if you’ve got issues with sexuality in general, this blog might not be the place for you then. You know the saying if you can’t stand the heat – get out of the kitchen.)

I’m here to share my stories, my thoughts and whatnot.

Alright, enough about me. How are you doing?