No NaNoWriMo… Will I ever get there?

I’m trodging along in a sunless, dark existance… That’s basically the Finnish winter until the snow comes. When I say it’s dark, I mean, sunrise is after I’ve gone to work, and sunset is before I leave work. Sigh. This added to the fact that I’m basically exhausted because the autumn has been crazy busy. And my poor writings are gathering dust somewhere behind the million other things to do. I played with the idea of doing NaNoWriMo, but didn’t even try. What would’ve been the point? When I’m having a hard time getting 5k words in a month at the moment… Last year at this time 5k words per week was no issue, but I have no idea what the duck is going on now? My confidence as a writer has taken a nosedive with the lack of practise. I’ve sabotaged myself, I guess. I have atleast three WIPs, and they are all very far apart from each other. I should concentrate on one story and get it done, but then one of my worst qualities kicks in… Finishing stuff. It’s hard. It’s much easier to start things, and even to keep them going than to actually finishing. But the stress would become less if I’d get something done, right? Oh, man. I’ve got to get my head back on track. Make a gameplan. Finish one story first, then the second. Maybe write a one shot or two to get in to the zone. But before that, I think I’ll post my crazy Fifty Shades Halloween story over here too. If you have any ideas how to overcome winter depression, please leave a note. Stuffing myself with chocolate hasn’t worked.

2 thoughts on “No NaNoWriMo… Will I ever get there?

  1. I enjoy your writing. We sometimes are harder on ourselves than other people are. My husband suffers from depression worse in the winter time, he takes vitamin D to help with it, and he sits in front of a UV lamp to help with it. In the winter we get less sun, so less the natural vitamin d we need. So, vitamin D might help you,too.

    1. Thank you 🙂
      Yeah, I’m definitely harder on myself than on other people.
      I don’t remember this darkness affecting me like this before, well not this early in the winter anyway. Good advice, btw… I’ll have to up the vitamin D intake. I remember to give it to my kids, but don’t remember to take it myself.

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